i feel like i'm flying
like if i take another leap
i'll defy gravity one more time
bite off a bit of cloud
leave my swirling trail of joy
in the sky and stir up a nebula
making new stars
with my finger tips
threading new paths across the globe
connecting hearts
one smile at a time
that light under my feet
feeds the movement
i spin i dive i thrive
on pleasure pools
and too the lessons along the way
we journeying we crying
we growing we loving
we dancing all the while
i do believe
that a dancing body
is the living body
what is it this time? i don't know myself. I find it amazing the number things i could talk to you about. is it about dance? is it about christmas or kwanzaa or love or lovers or dreams? is it about anything relevant to your life. if i had to pull something off the top of my head it would be about this: movement.
what about movement today? nevermind the dc movement scene, let's journey back to india nearly 3 years ago when i found myself amidst a crowd of beautifully rowdy men who challenged themselves and each other one by one to dance with me. i danced for some long period of time, without adequate water and i thought i might pass out right there on the dirt road in the middle of bangalore, but i kept on. and finally, just when even spirit had had enough of me, i said to myself "ok, last one." and he came. younger than all the other men, with a fiery, spastic dance that was akin to a fire cracker going off in a contained space. he bobbled his head. he did back flips across the circle. he loomed into my face with his own face and we synced some kinda way until there was no time and no space--just us. he could have kept going for another hour i'm sure, but i had used up the little reserve of water and my partner thought it best we find food and hydration fast. so i broke the circle, even though i wanted to stay dancing. but the people weren't done with me yet. they followed me in a procession. some grabbed my hands, some bowed. i said give thanks to them all. yeah, i felt for a moment like the guru, and i am, but in that moment i was new to my powers.
but what is also so pivotal about that moment was that it's when i realized my life mission: i want to dance with as many people on the planet as possible. plain and simple, and without any limitations or parameters. i feel that each moment, each interaction with another human being is an infinite portal of creative exchange. i believe any dance you do with me is unique and beautiful and that's all that matters, really, is what we do together now. my life is one of constant communion with the omnisacredness of life. come dance with me...the more the dance, the more the life!
(photo is binah @ the gulf coast of mexico, somewhere in louisianna, july 2006)
Binah, I love your style of writing! You are meant to dance with the world and bring bodies back to life and share the joy of movement. I'm a supporter!